In Bouncy Trip, shoot out to the stars ! How far will you be able to go ?

Use your agility to aim for the longest trip ever ! Tap to bounce off of the ground and avoid rough obstacles that can get in your way !

  • Choose the launch angle by selecting and sliding your character
  •  When your character approaches the ground, tap the screen at just the right moment to bounce again ! The closest you are to the ground when you tap, the stronger the bounce !
  • Choose wisely ! You can only bounce a limited amount !
  • Have fun !

Using the ThreeJS library:

Project realised in 3 days for a Game Jam event at the Institut de l'Internet et du Multimédia, by a cool team of 6 people:

  • Arthur Desbois
  • Carmen Kanhonou
  • Eloi Fromangé-Gonin
  • Emy Nguyen
  • Hugo Lambert
  • Tanguy Horellou